What Are The Chances Of An Offer in Compromise Being Accepted?

At DiLucci CPA Firm, we’re more than just tax advisers. We’re a family-run business founded in 2005 and committed to empowering our clients financially. Whether dealing with tax issues or seeking comprehensive accounting services, our father-daughter team is here to help. We’re proud to serve Texas, offering a blend of high-quality, cost-efficient services tailored to your unique needs.

Understanding an Offer in Compromise

An Offer in Compromise (OIC) is a program offered by the IRS that allows taxpayers to settle their tax debts for less than the full amount owed. The acceptance of an OIC is based on several critical factors, each evaluated carefully by the IRS to determine whether it would be appropriate to accept the offer.Understanding these factors can help in assessing the likelihood of an OIC being accepted:

  1. Ability to Pay: The IRS assesses your financial situation in detail, including your income, expenses, asset equity, and overall ability to pay the tax debt. If the IRS believes you can pay the full amount, either as a lump sum or over time through a payment plan, they are less likely to accept an OIC.
  2. Income: Your current and future income are closely scrutinized. The IRS considers your income sources and the stability of your earnings. A higher income could reduce the chances of acceptance as it implies greater ability to pay off the debt.
  3. Expenses: The IRS examines your monthly expenses but only allows for necessary and reasonable expenses. Unusually high expenses or those deemed non-essential could negatively impact your OIC.
  4. Asset Equity: The value of your assets is a significant factor. This includes property, vehicles, bank accounts, and other tangible assets. If the IRS determines that selling off assets could cover your tax debt, they might reject the OIC.
  5. Future Earnings Potential: The IRS also considers your potential for future earnings. If there’s an expectation that your financial situation will improve significantly, they may decide you can pay more of your debt in the future.
  6. Tax Compliance: Your history of tax compliance plays a role. If you have a history of non-compliance with tax filing and payment requirements, the IRS may view your OIC less favorably.
  7. Offer Amount: The amount you offer to settle your debt matters. The IRS aims to collect what is termed as the “Reasonable Collection Potential” (RCP), which is their estimate of what they can currently collect from you. Your offer must generally be equal to or greater than this amount.
  8. Special Circumstances: There may be special circumstances affecting your ability to pay, such as health issues, age, or financial hardships. If these circumstances are severe enough, the IRS may be more inclined to accept an OIC.
  9. Public Policy Considerations: In rare cases, an OIC might be accepted due to public policy or equity considerations. For instance, if collection of the full amount would create an economic hardship or would be unfair and inequitable due to exceptional circumstances.
  10. Legal and Administrative Issues: Sometimes, the IRS might accept an OIC if there’s doubt about the liability (the legitimacy of the tax debt itself) or if there’s a genuine dispute over the amount owed.

Benefits of an Offer in Compromise

An OIC can be a significant relief for those burdened by tax debt. It offers a fresh start and several benefits:

  1. Financial Relief: Settling for less than the total owed provides considerable financial relief. It allows for a more manageable debt resolution, freeing up resources for other financial obligations.
  2. Avoiding Harsh Penalties: Successfully negotiating an OIC can prevent severe penalties and interests that accrue over time.
  3. Peace of Mind: The psychological benefit of resolving tax debts cannot be overstated. An accepted OIC can bring much-needed peace of mind and a sense of closure.

Ready to Explore Your Options?

If you’re considering an Offer in Compromise or need assistance with any tax-related matters, we’re here to help. Call us at DiLucci CPA Firm to speak with a team member in Texas at (972) 444-9934, or contact us online to schedule a consultation. We’re dedicated to guiding you through your Tax, Accounting, or IRS matters, ensuring a path to financial empowerment and stability. At DiLucci CPA Firm, we understand the weight of tax challenges. Let us lighten that burden, helping you overcome these confidently and easily. Your financial well-being is our top priority.